Saturday 22 March 2014

Tools for a half

An update:  according to my watch I ran a PB of 1hour 57mins and 36 seconds!! A big surprise as I had decided that as I didn't feel 100% prepared for the race that I would take it gently!

Hello dear reader

Sometimes when I am struggling up a hill - note I didn't say "running" - I ask myself "why am I doing this?" It really does seem such hard work to keep fit as the years creep on to my age. But I do try to keep fit and one way I attempt to do this is by running. And occasionally madness completely overtakes me and I find I have entered a race.

A few weeks ago I had such a moment of madness and entered a half marathon - this will be about the 7th I will have run. So here I am getting ready for tomorrow's local half.

These are the 'tools' I take with me when I run.

1. Runinng shoes - I really need a new pair, so maybe I will buy a new pair once tomorrow's race is done, they are looking rather well worn and muddy (sorry!)

2. A pedometer - I wear this all the time so I pop this into my back pocket when I run.

3. My nike+ sportwatch GPS - I love this watch. I upload run data from my watch to the computer and can see where I have run, pace, elevation etc.

 So I think I'm ready for the off - tools at the ready!

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Caz xx